May 23 to 25, 2025
Year 175 Fair Theme: Sewing Seeds of Memories for 175 Years

Special Thanks To Junior Volunteers

Schomberg Agricultural Society and Fair sends Special thanks to their Junior Volunteers

It takes all of the volunteers of all ages, however it can be challenging to get teenagers involved with volunteer groups and the individuals that we would like to honour today have demonstrated a high level of interest and commitment for a young demographic.

Schomberg Agricultural Society and Fair would like to honour the following Junior members:

Cameron and Devin Wells, Lucas and Andrew Wink, Cale and Leanne Holmes, Eden Armstrong, David Hstriu, Stephen Klissouras, Austin Gust, Brett Clements, Kaitlyn and Karlyn Kerek.

Our Junior members are the future of the fair and community, they spent countless hours, helping various committees and directors, wherever and whenever support was required. They are a role model to their peers and younger children.

These exceptional individuals have demonstrated an outstanding commitment to the community.  Let’s give a round of applause to our Junior Members.

Interested in volunteering and joining the Schomberg Agricultural Society?

Please contact  Also follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.


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